
Simple. Efficient. Fast

Say goodbye to cumbersome reporting and time-consuming case management. With a relentless focus on our clients' success, we deliver the technology and expertise to ensure a pain-free bankruptcy administration process.

Services We Provide

Case Management

  • Simple, yet comprehensive applications to help you manage cases with confidence and ease

  • Whether managing debtor payments, creditor distributions, or government reporting, we aim to make bankruptcy administration and case management as seamless as possible


Armed with over three decades of experience, our bankruptcy experts are equipped to handle complicated disbursements and tight deadlines. Services include:

  • Calculating creditor distributions with interest

  • Disbursements by percentage or set dollar amounts

  • Printing and mailing checks

Claims Management

Claims management doesn't have to be cumbersome or time-consuming. Our agile software and team of experts will ensure your process is fast, efficient, and effective.

Our solutions help clients:

  • Manage claims and objections with ease

  • Reserve disputed claims, create sub-classes of claims and manage convenience claims in one location

  • Track workflow with multiple claim status codes


To ensure continued success, our certified bankruptcy support team will provide a personalized training experience to fit your needs and skills. This includes:

  • One-on-one, on-site training so you can manage daily office activities while learning at your pace

  • Structured curriculum of core skills, as well as specialized topics focused on your individual office

  • Ongoing training opportunities as major changes occur, including staff changes

  • Regional and online group meetings to strengthen skill in a collaborative forum amongst peers

Customized Reporting

Faster and more accurate court reporting so you can focus on more important activities. Using our agile software, you have the ability to create mandatory uniform final reports or standard reports, which can be easily tailored to district requirements.

We also provide:

  • Immediate access to up-to-date financial statements

  • Receipt ledgers

  • Disbursement ledgers

  • Customizable chart of accounts

  • Dedicated client support

Electronic Tax Refund Requests

Our innovative tool allows for quick and easy requests for Tax Refund turnovers from the IRS – no paper mailings required.

  • Tax refund requests done electronically are in the IRS’ hands by the next day, speeding up processing time and cutting delivery delays

  • The software will automatically scan a tax refund request for any possible issues and alert you prior to submission

  • If there is a problem in the refund request the IRS can reply via email, allowing for quicker corrections and resubmission

  • Electronic tax refund requests are timestamped and automatically save to your Case Management system, allowing for easy organization